At Child’s Horizon, children are considered unique individuals and are provided opportunities to learn and master such skills as color identification, letter recognition, number recognition and counting, gross and fine motor skills, days of the week, socialization, personal independence, good hygiene, and manners.
Our mission:
Care, develop, Serve
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thoughtful care
If you are looking for a loving Christian environment that offers an effective mix of age-appropriate academics and time to learn through play, consider Child’s Horizon Preschool & Daycare.
Gospel Focused
The children are provided a time to hear about God’s love and His creation through stories and weekly chapel time.
Arts and songs are used to encourage the children to express themselves.
Meet your teachers
Our teachers are the finest and each have a deep love for God and for children. You will find them friendly and easy to talk to. They will provide your child with an opportunity to grow and develop in ways that will help them meet the challenges ahead in life and school.
Rhonda Beasley